23 results
Agri PV and bird life (Kopie 1)
Effects of agriphotovoltaics on bird life in the agricultural landscape
MoreAgri-PV systems
The aim of the research project is to analyse and evaluate the impact of agri-PV systems on nature and landscape, in particular flora, fauna and the landscape, from a nature conservation perspective.…
MoreAgrivoltaics and nature conservation
Agrivoltaics – ground-mounted photovoltaics – play a key role in the expansion of renewable energies. In addition to the prevailing low-mounted solar farms, whose acreages are withdrawn from…
MoreAssessment of mortality in wild animals connected with human projects and impacts
The Index of Sensitivity to Mortality MGI is a tool for assessing the mortality of wild animals in the context of projects and activities.
MoreChanges of use in Natura 2000 sites
To what extent is the network of Natura 2000 protected sites affected by the expansion of renewable energies? The project will examine this question by selecting methods and remote sensing data and…
MoreDecarbonising heat and nature conservation
The heating sector in Germany is to be decarbonised during the coming decades and is thus facing major changes: There is no longer any perspective for natural gas and heating oil, which are still the…
MoreEKNA – Environmental impacts of underground cables and options for an environmentally-compatible transmission route design
Underground cables as an alternative to overhead transmission lines are increasingly under discussion. The project examines the effects of different extra-high voltage underground cable systems on…
MoreEnergy concepts and nature conservation
Although the extent of renewable energies has so far only covered a relatively minor proportion of the total energy requirement in Germany (approx. 14.6% of final energy consumption), in places…
MoreEnvironmentally compatible site allocation of open-space solar plants (solar thermal and photovoltaic)
The research project is intended to contribute to making the necessary expansion of solar energy as environmentally compatible as possible. For this purpose, a suitable area will be defined and the…
MoreFloating PV I – nature conservation impacts
PV systems on artificial and heavily modified water bodies also serve to implement the EEG (§ 36 WHG). The first systems have gone into operation on artificial stillwaters, although the nature…