22 results
BatAccess – Bat friendly operation of offshore wind farms
Accessing prerequisites for bat-friendly operation of offshore wind turbines
The project aims to improve and link information about the spatial and temporal distribution of migratory bats across the North and Baltic Seas. This will create an initial basis for developing…
MoreBeBeO - Bird migration detection at offshore wind turbines
A sub-project is developing a study design that quantifies the attraction effect of night-time lighting of offshore wind turbines on bird migration and determines the effects on collision risk.
MoreBeMo III
Study on assessment approaches for underwater sound monitoring in the context of offshore permitting, spatial planning and MSFD - Phase III.
MoreBird protection at offshore wind turbines
The threat to bird migration represents a potential conflict for the expansion of offshore wind energy. However, there is currently no technical basis for recognising periods of increased collision…
MoreBIRDMOVE – Bird migration and offshore wind
The aim of the project is to study the potential effects of offshore wind turbines on migratory birds and passage migrants.
The EEMonRequest research project is based on the EE-Monitor web application and is its further development. The aim is to take account of the accelerated expansion of renewable energies by providing…
MoreFaunaGuard – Modeling impacts offshore wind turbines
Study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Fauna Guard System in offshore projects in the German EEZ.
The aim of Harmonize is to harmonize GES assessment approaches for impulse sound within the EU based on scientifically valid approaches as well as field-tested experience.
MoreISEAD – Intelligent Sea Animal Detection
The research project aims to use AI to recognise birds and marine mammals (harbour porpoises) 50 times faster on image and video material.
IfAÖ Institute for Applied Ecosystem…