30 results
Bat migration routes
Wind turbines present a potential threat to migrating bats. However, there is very little known about their migration routes, so these cannot be taken into account when planning wind turbines. This…
The project aims to improve and link information about the spatial and temporal distribution of migratory bats across the North and Baltic Seas. This will create an initial basis for developing…
MoreBats and wind energy - significance threshold, tower microphone
The "significance threshold" in many regional guidelines (Länderleitfaden) specifies how many dead bats per wind turbine (WT) and year are tolerable. So far, the threshold has been based in most…
MoreBats and wind energy in woodland I
The project's objective is to collate and evaluate existing data to identify and limit the effects of WT on bats in woodland and to remedy any relevant gaps in knowledge by examining case studies.…
MoreBats and wind energy in woodland II
The object of this research project is to establish whether and to what extent wind turbines at forest sites have a negative effect on bats, disturb them or even threaten them to a significant…
MoreBatWind (X-Energy)
To protect bats, the causes of collisions with wind turbines are being researched and risk reduction measures and bat-friendly lighting on onshore wind turbines are being developed.
MoreBeMo III
Study on assessment approaches for underwater sound monitoring in the context of offshore permitting, spatial planning and MSFD - Phase III.
MoreBird populations and the energy transition
The project investigates changes in the breeding populations of bird species, especially those which are considered as conservation indicators of species diversity and landscape quality. In…
MoreBird protection at offshore wind turbines
The threat to bird migration represents a potential conflict for the expansion of offshore wind energy. However, there is currently no technical basis for recognising periods of increased collision…
MoreBiWiBi - Sustainable combination of bifacial solar modules, wind energy and biomass with simultaneous agricultural land use and increase in biodiversity
Concepts for the sustainable combination of bifacial solar modules, wind energy and biomass with simultaneous agricultural land use and increase in biodiversity