38 results
Forum on Fish Protection and Fish Bypasses
The Forum was dedicated to the topic of fish protection and fish bypasses from 2012 to 2022. It pursued a cross-interest approach from a technical point of view. The aim was to develop a common,…
MoreInnovation for overhead power lines
The energy transition requires expansion of the power grid, but there is a low acceptance of power masts. This project therefore aims to develop innovative systems for masts and cables in the 380 kV…
MoreIntegration of solar energy into the Lower Saxony energy landscape (INSIDE)
The project will primarily demonstrate methods for determining potential.
MoreISEAD – Intelligent Sea Animal Detection
The research project aims to use AI to recognise birds and marine mammals (harbour porpoises) 50 times faster on image and video material.
IfAÖ Institute for Applied Ecosystem…
The BSH's MarinEARS technical information system collects data on pile driving noise during the erection of foundations for offshore wind turbines. It is a scientifically and organisationally…
MoreMitigation of offshore pile driving noise
Overview of site-specific and technical-constructive properties of sound generation and transmission of pile-driving sound as well as sound reduction measures
MoreModel concept for nature-compatible solar parks
Scientific investigations for the development of a model concept for nature-compatible and biodiversity-promoting solar parks.
MoreMonitoring the operation of WT in woodland – impacts on the avifauna
In the course of the energy transition, forests – habitats for woodpeckers, owls and other species of birds – are increasingly becoming sites for wind farms. Noises, movement or obscuration can have…
MultiRadar - close range bird protection zones in the vicinity of wind turbines using multi-radar technology Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main - Institute of Physics -…
MoreNatForWINSENT I – Nature conservation at the wind test site
The wind energy test site of the wind energy research cluster South (WindForS) planned for the Swabian Jura is intended to serve supporting research for nature conservation. The main aim is to…