133 results
Offshore wind farms and seabirds
The project "Expansion of offshore wind energy in Germany: Effects on seabirds in the North and Baltic Seas" (OWP Seabirds) aims to investigate in more detail how offshore wind farms in operation…
MorePeatland PV - potential areas and nature conservation impacts
The construction of solar plants on rewetted peatland soils is economically stimulated by the amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). So far, however, there is a lack of practical…
MorePlanning evaluation of ecosystems
Ecosystem services are identified in order to demonstrate the specific services and therefore the value of ecosystems. Up until now this concept, followed nationally and internationally since the…
MorePopulation genomics of Baltic Sea harbour porpoises
The Baltic Sea is experiencing an increase in pile driving for wind power exploitation that also affects areas used by harbour porpoises. In view of this and due to the current threat to a potential…
MorePreventative measures for underground cable projects
Laying high-voltage underground cables (for example HVDC – high-voltage direct current transmission) requires a range of prevention and mitigation measures. The research project develops practical…
The PRIA-WIND project will design a procedure to independently verify the shutdown algorithms that are legally required for many wind turbines.
MorePriority areas for species protection in wind energy planning
Methodical approaches for the designation of priority areas for species protection in wind energy planning
The software tool ProBat 7.0 calculates bat-friendly cut-in wind speeds for onshore wind turbines (WT). This operational management helps to minimise the killing risk for bats (collision or…
MoreProBat 8.0
The ProBat software for more bat-friendly operation of wind turbines is to be further developed. The transfer to an online database enables user group-specific data access. New features will be…
The aim of this project was to assess possible collision risks of migratory birds at offshore wind farms. Furthermore, models were developed to predict the risk of bird collisions. From these models,…