133 results
The BSH's MarinEARS technical information system collects data on pile driving noise during the erection of foundations for offshore wind turbines. It is a scientifically and organisationally…
With the Marine Life Investigator (MARLIN), the BSH provides data from environmental impact studies, monitoring and research, among other things, to evaluate the environmental impact of offshore wind…
MoreMitigation of offshore pile driving noise
Overview of site-specific and technical-constructive properties of sound generation and transmission of pile-driving sound as well as sound reduction measures
MoreModel concept for nature-compatible solar parks
Scientific investigations for the development of a model concept for nature-compatible and biodiversity-promoting solar parks.
MoreModeling impacts offshore wind turbines
Development of technical requirements and criteria for quality assurance and evaluation of harbor porpoise acoustic monitoring data.
MoreMonitoring the operation of WT in woodland – impacts on the avifauna
In the course of the energy transition, forests – habitats for woodpeckers, owls and other species of birds – are increasingly becoming sites for wind farms. Noises, movement or obscuration can have…
MoreMovement ecology and spatial use of the red kite
Which land use types and landscape structures influence the movement decisions of red kites and what role do wind turbines play in this?
MoreMultibird I
Funded by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), comprehensive bird monitoring methods are being used as part of the MultiBIRD project on FINO1. The focus is on the occurrence and…
MoreMultibird III
Scientific analyses of the offshore occurrence of migratory birds using an integrated database of monitoring and research data from a multi-sensor system.
For the study, a total of 6 animals were fitted with a modern GPS transmitter, which provides data on the altitude and location of the animals. At the same time, the land use and management on the…