
First In Practice / PraxisINFO published: Probat - Intelligent wind turbine operation management for the protection of bats at wind turbines

In November 2019, the first issue of the new publication series PraxisINFO was published, in which practice-relevant research results from the BfN priority area "Nature Conservation and Renewable Energies" are concisely presented on four pages each. The first issue is dedicated to the software tool "Probat", which improves bat protection at wind turbines with the help of intelligent algorithms.

The software tool ProBat calculates bat-friendly cut-in wind speeds for wind turbines (WT). This operational management helps to minimise the risk of bats being killed and allows more efficient operation of the turbines compared to blanket cut-in or cut-out specifications. ProBat is the most widely used method in Germany for determining bat-friendly operating algorithms.

"In Practice" describes the functionality and areas of application of the software, which is being developed as part of an R&D project in the BfN's "Nature Conservation and Renewable Energy" thematic field and is being further improved in several steps. The publication is aimed at plant operators, expert offices, nature conservation authorities and licensing authorities.


PraxisINFO: ProBat – Intelligentes WEA-Betriebsmanagement zum Schutz der Fledermäuse an Windenergieanlagen

(Update: The English edition is forthcoming and will be published in Mach 2021)