29 results
Nature conservation associations in the network expansion
The project aims to include non-governmental nature conservation organisations to a greater extent in the national expansion of the network. The project includes approaches such as guidelines and…
MorePeatland PV - potential areas and nature conservation impacts
The construction of solar plants on rewetted peatland soils is economically stimulated by the amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). So far, however, there is a lack of practical…
MorePopulation genomics of Baltic Sea harbour porpoises
The Baltic Sea is experiencing an increase in pile driving for wind power exploitation that also affects areas used by harbour porpoises. In view of this and due to the current threat to a potential…
MorePreventative measures for underground cable projects
Laying high-voltage underground cables (for example HVDC – high-voltage direct current transmission) requires a range of prevention and mitigation measures. The research project develops practical…
The software tool ProBat 7.0 calculates bat-friendly cut-in wind speeds for onshore wind turbines (WT). This operational management helps to minimise the killing risk for bats (collision or…
MoreQuality assurance of bat expert opinions
Guaranteeing the quality of bat expert reports for wind turbine planning and approval is an important current requirement for an environmentally compatible energy transition. Species protection needs…
MoreRenewable energy: Regional Simulation Game
The project will evaluate at the regional level the assessment methodology and results of the previous project "Expansion scenarios for renewable energies from a nature conservation viewpoint", in…
MoreSongbird migration offshore
Every year, millions of songbirds fly over the North Sea as they migrate between their wintering and breeding grounds. However, this behaviour is still poorly understood with regard to the massive…
WindGISKI Land use conflicts jeopardise the success of the energy transition. In many regions of Germany, citizens are campaigning against the expansion of wind energy because they are concerned…