
Effects of wind turbines on the acoustic activity of selected forest bird species - new BfN publication published

Especially in the densely forested federal states, forest areas are increasingly used for the expansion of onshore wind energy use. In order to cope with the requirements of species protection and impact regulation in the respective approval procedures, knowledge of the disturbance effects of wind turbines (WT) on forest birds is required, but is still largely lacking.

The research project "Effects of wind turbines on the acoustic activity of selected forest bird species - studies on displacement effects by means of automated recording" provides an initial gain in knowledge about disturbance effects and displacement effects in relation to forest bird species such as owls and woodpeckers. The results are intended to contribute to the optimisation of the planning and approval process for affected species and to minimise the risk of significant impairments in terms of European species and site protection and the impact regulations. The aim is to qualitatively and quantitatively improve the data situation in order to be able to make sufficient statements and derive necessary mitigating measures for disturbance-sensitive forest bird species.
