ein Luftbild zeigt zwei Windräder in flacher Landschaft
Zwei Windkraftanlagen im Jahr 2015 Nora Köcher

Regulatory authorities: survey launched

Requirement analysis for the professional, application-oriented processing of results from BfN research projects

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) supports a large number of research projects in the thematic priority area "Nature Conservation and Renewable Energies" with the aim of making the expansion of renewable energies compatible with nature.

Within the framework of these research projects, new practice-relevant findings are regularly obtained and published on a scientific basis. These research results should find their way into planning and approval practice for renewable energy plants as soon as possible.

Together with the  Agency for Onshore Wind Energy (Fachagentur Windenergie an Land), BfN is currently conducting a survey of local and regional regulatory authorities responsible for the licensing of renewable energy plants in Germany - in particular onshore wind energy, biomass, solar energy on open land and hydropower. The aim is to determine the concrete needs and requirements of the authorities for the professional, application-related processing of research results. In a second step, the results of the survey will be used by the BfN to adapt publication strategies and concepts in the field of "nature conservation and renewable energies" in line with requirements. A digital cover letter with a link to the online survey was sent to all authorities today.

The (extended) deadline for responses ends 09.08.2019. If you have any questions or are interested in participating in the survey, please contact the licensing authorities responsible for renewable energies at federal state and regional level at the following address

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, FG II 4.3 Nature Conservation and Renewable Energies, Ms Nora Köcher