31 results
Ground-mounted photovoltaic and reconnecting habitats
Open areas to the right and left of roads and transport routes are being increasingly used as sites for solar parks in Germany. This project aims to research the extent to which they can still…
MoreLandscape, protected areas and renewables
The research project investigates the management potential for site protection with particular emphasis on protected landscape areas. Particular attention was given to the scope for controlling the…
MoreNational natural landscapes and renewable energies
The project examined the question of what could constitute an ecologically sustainable energy transition in nature parks and biosphere reserves. Nature parks and biosphere reserves, as components of…
Morenature compensation measures and electricity grid expansion
The transformation of the German energy supply system towards renewable energies requires extensive power grid expansion. In order to meet the requirements of nature conservation impact regulations,…
MorePeatland PV - potential areas and nature conservation impacts
The construction of solar plants on rewetted peatland soils is economically stimulated by the amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). So far, however, there is a lack of practical…
MorePlanning evaluation of ecosystems
Ecosystem services are identified in order to demonstrate the specific services and therefore the value of ecosystems. Up until now this concept, followed nationally and internationally since the…
MoreProgressive biofuels
The EU is targeting future funding at biofuels from raw materials, which are expected to have fewer negative effects on land use than conventional biofuels e.g. from rape, cereals or palm oil. The…
MoreRenewable energy: Regional Simulation Game
The project will evaluate at the regional level the assessment methodology and results of the previous project "Expansion scenarios for renewable energies from a nature conservation viewpoint", in…
MoreRenewables in nature conservation monitoring
The project fills the gap of a missing overall view of the effects of the expansion of renewable energies on nature and landscape since 1991. The research project will examine the impact of the…
MoreRepowering of wind turbines
A significant increase in the repowering of wind turbines is expected in the near future, as the period of guaranteed feed-in renumeration for many existing wind turbines will expire. From a nature…