Luftaufnahme einer Erdkabelverlegung
Beispiel einer Gleichstrom-Erdkabelverlegung im Jahr 2015 im Projekt BorWin3. TenneT TSO GmbH

Underground cable projects - Mitigation and avoidance measures

A large number of different measures are available to effectively avoid or mitigate impairments in the course of underground cable projects, especially those caused during construction.

Underground cable projects - Mitigation and avoidance measures

For the first time, the study provides a comprehensive compilation of these measures. For this purpose, 26 types of measures and 48 individual measures are defined. These are subdivided into measures for species and biotope protection, water protection and soil protection. The study also identifies criteria that should be used to prioritise the avoidance and mitigation measures required in individual cases.

Runge, K., Schomerus, T., Gronowski, L., Müller, A., Rickert, C. (2021): Hinweise und Empfehlungen bei Erdkabelvorhaben. F+E-Vorhaben im Rahmen des Umweltforschungsplanes des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz (FKZ 3518 86 0700). BfN-Skripten 606, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 2021

The publication inlcudes a summary in English.
