29 results
Floating PV I – nature conservation impacts
PV systems on artificial and heavily modified water bodies also serve to implement the EEG (§ 36 WHG). The first systems have gone into operation on artificial stillwaters, although the nature…
MoreFloating PV II - Investigation nature conservation effects still waters
The research projects focuses on the ecological effects of floating photovoltaic systems (FPV systems) on artificial or heavily modified bodies of water. The aim is to assess the effects on species,…
MoreFollow-up study probabilistics
The aim of the project is to develop – on the basis of a precursor study – an probabilistic model for the red kite which is applicable in permitting processes.
MoreFuture solar farms: technologies, impacts, spatial planning options
Solar farms are playing an increasingly important role in the energy transition. In addition, new forms of photovoltaics are emerging - such as the combination of agriculture and photovoltaics…
MoreInnovation for overhead power lines
The energy transition requires expansion of the power grid, but there is a low acceptance of power masts. This project therefore aims to develop innovative systems for masts and cables in the 380 kV…
MoreLand availability for onshore wind energy
The goal is to calculate the land availabilty for the expansion of onshore wind energy.
MoreLandscape and power grids
The conversion of our energy systems involves new requirements for power distribution. When planning the expansion of the grid it is necessary to record and evaluate the negative effects on the…
MoreNatForWINSENT II – Phase 1
The wind energy research cluster south (WindForS) will be commissioned in 2023 in the Swabian Jura (Germany) as the first wind energy test site in complex terrain in an inland area. The WINSENT test…
MoreNational natural landscapes and renewable energies
The project examined the question of what could constitute an ecologically sustainable energy transition in nature parks and biosphere reserves. Nature parks and biosphere reserves, as components of…
MoreNationwide landscape assessment
The aim of the project is to develop a methodological overview of the landscape and landscape character assessments at German federal level that have been developed in recent years on behalf of the…