
Future solar farms: technologies, impacts, spatial planning options

Project title: Future solar farms: technologies, impacts, spatial planning options


  • Evaluation of possible regulatory changes to PV in subsidy law
  • Development of an evaluation aid for the intensity of intervention of PV-farms
  • Risks and synergies in the construction of floating PV systems


Bosch & Partner GmbH
Lortzingstraße 1, D-30177 Hannover
Dr. Dieter Günnewig



FKZ 3521 86 0200
Departmental Research Plan 2021
Term: 01.10.2021 – 31.08.2023

Solar farms are playing an increasingly important role in the energy transition. In addition, new forms of photovoltaics are emerging - such as the combination of agriculture and photovoltaics (agri-PV) and the use of lakes and seas as "sites" for solar farms (floating PV). Against this background, the project is intended to support a nature conservation-based steering of the expansion of PV-farms.

The aim of the project is to evaluate current technical and planning developments in ground-mounted photovoltaics in connection with Federal expansion targets and to develop options and possible courses of action for nature conservation. A distinction is made between options in connection with future amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and those that affect regional planning, building and licensing laws, but possibly also other areas of law, and which are aimed in particular at the unsubsidised developments of large solar parks outside the EEG legal framework.

Among other things, it is planned:

  • Evaluation of possible regulatory changes to PV in subsidy law (EEG 2023) and in planning and approval law (e.g. B-Plan obligation, privileging, agri-PV, intervention regulation)
  • Estimation of developments regarding PV-farms that will fall out of EEG subsidies from approx. 2022, as well as the development of proposals for their continued operation, if necessary also in connection with repowering
  • Evaluation of the tenders for innovative solar installations according to § 15 InnAusVO
  • Development of an evaluation aid for the intensity of intervention of PV-farms, e.g. on grassland, arable land, conversion areas and their design after construction)
  • Analysis of risks and synergies in the construction of floating PV systems, literature research on possible impacts of floating PV and the development of criteria for the nature- and water-compatible construction of floating PV systems


Within the framework of the project, existing spatial analyses and expansion scenarios as well as approval notices for floating PV-systems are evaluated. The aim is to analyse as concretely as possible potential developments in the coming years and their possible consequences for nature conservation and landscape management.

(Kopie 4)


Work packages

Work packages

  1. Technical assessments of legislative changes
  2. Future scenario for PV-farms at the end of their EEG subsidy term
  3. Evaluation of special tenders according to § 15 InnAusVO
  4. Preparation of an evaluation aid in order to identify the ecological impact respectively the spatial potential of available sites for ecological suitable PV-systems/-farms
  5. Determination of impacts of floating PV-farms

Project Partners

Project Partners

Project management

Bosch & Partner GmbH
Lortzingstraße 1, D-30177 Hannover
Dr. Dieter Günnewig

Project Partner

Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
Meitnerstr. 1, D-70563 Stuttgart
Tobias Kelm

Stiftung Umweltenergierecht
Friedrich-Ebert-Ring 9, D-97072 Würzburg
Dr. Nils Wegner

Solarpraxis Engineering GmbH
Alboinstraße 36-42, D-12103 Berlin
Karl-Heinz Remmers


Bundesamt für Naturschutz
FG II 4.3 Naturschutz und Erneuerbare Energien
Alte Messe 6, 04013 Leipzig
Friedhelm Igel

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