133 results
The MultiplEE research examines how the regulatory framework in Germany can be designed in such a way that the expansion of renewable energies is as environmentally compatible as possible – taking…
MultiRadar - close range bird protection zones in the vicinity of wind turbines using multi-radar technology Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main - Institute of Physics -…
MoreNatForWINSENT I – Nature conservation at the wind test site
The wind energy test site of the wind energy research cluster South (WindForS) planned for the Swabian Jura is intended to serve supporting research for nature conservation. The main aim is to…
MoreNatForWINSENT II – Phase 1
The wind energy research cluster south (WindForS) will be commissioned in 2023 in the Swabian Jura (Germany) as the first wind energy test site in complex terrain in an inland area. The WINSENT test…
MoreNatForWINSENT II – Phase 2
Nature conservation research at the southern German wind energy test site aims to develop and test avoidance measures for birds and bats at wind turbines. It is thus intended to make an important…
MoreNational natural landscapes and renewable energies
The project examined the question of what could constitute an ecologically sustainable energy transition in nature parks and biosphere reserves. Nature parks and biosphere reserves, as components of…
MoreNationwide landscape assessment
The aim of the project is to develop a methodological overview of the landscape and landscape character assessments at German federal level that have been developed in recent years on behalf of the…
Morenature compensation measures and electricity grid expansion
The transformation of the German energy supply system towards renewable energies requires extensive power grid expansion. In order to meet the requirements of nature conservation impact regulations,…
MoreNature conservation associations in the network expansion
The project aims to include non-governmental nature conservation organisations to a greater extent in the national expansion of the network. The project includes approaches such as guidelines and…
Legal analysis of new challenges for planning and permitting law in the provision and realization of areas for the expansion of onshore wind energy