The aim of the research project is to analyse and evaluate the impact of agri-PV systems on nature and landscape, in particular flora, fauna and the landscape, from a nature conservation perspective. In addition, possibilities for the ecological enhancement of areas in the context of agri-PV plants are to be determined and findings for nature conservation-optimised crops and forms of cultivation as well as supplementary ecological measures are to be gained.
According to DIN SPEC 91434, agri-PV systems are generally understood to be the combined use of one and the same area of land for agricultural production as the main use and electricity production by means of a photovoltaic system as a secondary use, whereby agricultural production can include arable land, permanent grassland and permanent pasture land or permanent crops and at the same time a distinction must be made between low and high elevated systems. In order to scientifically investigate the effects of agri-PV systems on nature and landscape, six case studies are selected on the basis of a systematisation of agri-PV systems and subjected to ecological monitoring over a period of three years. The study focusses in particular on the effects on flora and fauna and the landscape, but also includes climatic or pedological effects if these are relevant for flora and fauna and the landscape.
The research questions are:
In parallel, accompanying studies are being carried out on the economic viability of agrivoltaic systems. The results of the project are recommendations for the environmentally compatible design of agrivoltaic systems.
The project is divided into four work packages (WP): In the first WP, the technical basis is developed. WP 2 comprises the main part of the research project with the ecological monitoring of the six case studies, while WP 3 is dedicated to the economic efficiency of the land utilisation of agri-PV systems. In WP 4, the results are summarised and the recommendations for the environmentally friendly design of agrivoltaic systems are presented in a practice-oriented manner.
Technische Universität Dresden
Prof Dr- Ing Catrin Schmidt
Chair of Landsacpe Planning
Institute for Landsacpe Planning
Faculty of Architecture
01062 Dresden
Tel.: 0049 351/463-3-3383
Bosch & Partner GmbH
Lortzingstr. 1, 30177 Hannover
Dr Dieter Günnewig
Email: d.guennewig(at)
Fraunhofer ISE
Dr Max Trommsdorff und Christian Schill
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg
Tel.: 0049 761 4588-2249
max.trommsdorff(at); ise.fraunhofer.dechristian.schill(at)
Prof Hellriegel Institut e.V.
Prof Dr-Ing Matthias Pietsch
Strenzfelder Allee 28
06406 Bernburg
Tel. 0049 3471/355-1140
Email: matthias.pietsch(at)
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Division II 4.3 Nature Conservation and Renewable Energies
Alte Messe 6, 04013 Leipzig
Friedhelm Igel
Tel.: 0049 341 30977-165
Email: Friedhelm.Igel(at)