
Favorable Conservation Status (FCS) Programmes for wind energy-sensitive birds

Project title: Catalogue of FCS-measures for wind energy-sensitive bird species


  • Evaluation of FCS-programmes
  • Development of FCS-measures for wind energy sensitive bird species
  • Legal classification of FCS-programmes in the context of wind energy development


Michael-Otto-Institut im NABU
Dr. Philip Hunke
Goosstroot 1
D-24861 Bergenhusen
Tel. +49 4885/570

NABU Bundesgeschäftsstelle
Ralf Schulte
Charitéstr. 3
D-10117 Berlin
Tel. +49 30/284984-1601


FKZ 3521 86 0100
Departmental Research Plan 2021

The project aims to present suitable FCS measures and provide concrete advice for implementation in practice. This is in line with the nationwide principle of nature-friendly expansion of renewable energies and the conservation of biodiversity, and supports current standardisation activities in the field of species protection and wind energy.

In recent years, only a few new wind turbines have been approved and built for various reasons. In the debate on reviving the expansion of onshore wind energy, a possible increased use of the species protection exception according to § 45 para. 7 BNatSchG plays an important role. The use of the exemption is conditional on the fact that the conservation status of the affected population is not deteriorating. Appropriate measures and FCS-programmes (Favourable Conservation Status) and concepts, as well as their planning and anchoring at spatial planning or Federal State (Länder) level, could ensure this while increasing flexibility for wind energy development.


The overall objective of the project is to develop a catalogue of measures with recommendations for effective FCS-programmes (Favourable Conservation Status) for selected bird species at risk of collision. It should also include indications for implementation (boundary conditions). These measures can contribute to ensuring the conservation status of wind energy-sensitive bird species.

In addition to a catalogue of species-supporting measures, it should be worked out under which conditions these measures are effective. The following questions will be addressed:

  • How can species FCS-programmes be structured?
  • What are the success factors for the effectiveness of FCS-programmes (finances, fixed targets, types of measures, etc.)?
  • Which species are particularly affected and for which wind energy-sensitive bird species are FCS-programmes useful?
  • Which measures are particularly promising for the promotion of wind energy-sensitive bird species?
  • How can measures in FCS-programmes be effectively implemented in the context of wind energy development? What is the implementation practice in the Länder (Federal States)?

Work packages

Work packages

  1. Clarification of terms, overview and categorisation of existing FCS- programmes for wind energy-sensitive bird species within the framework of intensive research
  2. Assessment and evaluation of existing FCS- programmes/projects according to their effectiveness
  3. Development of a structure of FCS- programmes and development of measures for eight characteristic wind energy-sensitive bird species
  4. Legal classification of the implementation of FCS-programmes in the context of wind energy
  5. Recommendations for action and enforcement methods for effective implementation of FCS-programmes in the Länder (Federal States).


Project partners

Project partners

Project management

Michael-Otto-Institut im NABU
Dr. Philip Hunke
Goosstroot 1
D-24861 Bergenhusen
Tel. +49 4885/570

NABU Bundesgeschäftsstelle
Ralf Schulte
Charitéstr. 3
D-10117 Berlin
Tel. +49 30/284984-1601

Project partners
Bosch & Partner GmbH
Kirchhofstraße 2c, D-44623 Herne
Dr. Katrin Wulfert
Tel: +49 2323/9462924

Funding authority
Bundesamt für Naturschutz
FG II 4.3 Naturschutz und erneuerbare Energien
Alte Messe 6, D-04013 Leipzig
Nora Köcher
Tel. +49 341/30977-166

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