135 results
EE100 – Fully renewable and environmentally compatible
How can we design a future environmentally compatible power supply using renewable energies? A detailed examination of emerging technologies in the energy sector from a nature conservation viewpoint…
A web-based reporting format was developed which is able to inform about the progress made in a nature conservation-compatible expansion of renewable energies in the German electricity sector and…
The EEMonRequest research project is based on the EE-Monitor web application and is its further development. The aim is to take account of the accelerated expansion of renewable energies by providing…
MoreEffectiveness of bird flight diverters
Bird flight diverters are used throughout the world to reduce collisions by birds at overhead power lines and the additional mortality associated with this. Their effectiveness is determined by…
MoreEffectiveness of control measures for the red kite
The project aims to optimise the planning and approval process for wind turbines and to minimise the risk to bird species sensitive to wind turbines. A field studies-based evaluation will be made of…
MoreEffectiveness of mitigation measures
There is a wide range of current measures used to minimise the adverse effects of wind turbines on birds. These include regulating the operation of the turbine, preventing birds being attracted to it…
MoreEKNA – Environmental impacts of underground cables and options for an environmentally-compatible transmission route design
Underground cables as an alternative to overhead transmission lines are increasingly under discussion. The project examines the effects of different extra-high voltage underground cable systems on…
MoreElectricity storage and conservation
The research project investigates the effects of the increased use of electricity storage technologies such as large batteries and hydrogen applications in the course of the expansion of electricity…
MoreEnergy concepts and nature conservation
Although the extent of renewable energies has so far only covered a relatively minor proportion of the total energy requirement in Germany (approx. 14.6% of final energy consumption), in places…
MoreEnergy privilege for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems
Legal, managerial and landscape ecological aspects of converting land used for agriculture or biogas maize production into ground-mounted solar plants are being examined.