Although the extent of renewable energies has so far only covered a relatively minor proportion of the total energy requirement in Germany (approx. 14.6% of final energy consumption), in places significant changes in the appearance of the landscape and impacts on the natural environment have already been identified. This raises the question of what consequences will arise for nature, landscape and society if renewable energies are gradually expanded until the German Federal Government's climate goals are reached?
Based on the large number of funded energy and climate action plans and activities (such as e.g. project outlines, feasibility studies, analysis of potentials and individual measures) the idea arose to examine these in terms of aspects of nature and landscape conservation. A total of 31 current regional energy and/or climate action plans and 33 local ones were studied to find out whether and how they take account of nature conservation interests. The selection of action plans covered all federal states, a great variety of natural regions and sizes of districts and both rural and urban areas. The 64 plans analysed contain a total of 3,505 measures which were arranged in clusters of 56 types. From the action plans evaluated, the following nine measures were selected that are mentioned frequently in energy and climate action plans, implemented in practice and receive government funding:
Based on the assessment of energy and climate action plans and on a wide-ranging literature review, the handbook gives guidelines for improving the incorporation of nature conservation interests in planning and implementing the specified measures covering nine topics in separate booklets. Practical experiences and suggestions are included from the model areas and towns of Offenbach, Osnabrück, the Bliesgau biosphere area and the "Hohe Schrecke" climate protection region, which were incorporated to ensure the project's relevance for practice.
Published in December 2019, the 10-booklet manual provides guidance on how to improve the consideration of nature conservation concerns in the planning and implementation of measures in the areas of facade insulation, photovoltaic roof systems, street lighting, green mobility networks, open-space photovoltaic systems, short-rotation plantations, landscape management with hedgerows and meadows. Two booklets serve as an introduction to the subject area and to the basics of nature conservation law, respectively. Practical experiences and suggestions from the model areas and cities of Offenbach, Osnabrück, the biosphere area Bliesgau and the area of the climate protection region "Hohe Schrecke" have been incorporated into the publication.
The handbook is aimed at all stakeholders in regions, districts and municipalities who are involved or interested in the creation and design of energy and climate protection concepts and in the implementation of the measures they contain for climate protection, energy saving and the promotion of renewable energies. This includes, for example, climate protection managers, regional planning offices, environmental, construction and urban planning offices, engineering offices, urban and landscape planners, farmers and foresters, as well as environmental and nature conservation associations.
The publication is only available in German. Printed copies can be ordered via Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Außenstelle Leipzig, Alte Messe 6, 04013 Leipzig.
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand; 10 Hefte im Schuber, Herausgegeben von Stefan Heiland
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 1: Einleitung. Energie- und Klimaschutzkonzepte. Naturschutz von Beginn an berücksichtigen. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 2: Fassadendämmung. Klima- und Naturschutz am Gebäude. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 3: Photovoltaik-Dachanlagen. Klima- und Naturschutz: auch auf dem Dach. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 4: Straßenbeleuchtung. Energie sparen, Tierwelt schonen. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 5: Grüne Mobilitätsnetze. Potenziale für Mensch, Natur und Landschaft. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 6: Photovoltaik-Freiflächenanlagen. Planung und Installation mit Mehrwert für den Naturschutz. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 7: Kurzumtriebsplantagen. Planung, Anlage und Bewirtschaftung. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 8: Landschaftspflegeholz. Hecken nutzen – Lebensräume erhalten – Landschaften gestalten. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 9: Landschaftspflegegras. Energetische Verwertung und Artenschutz. (2019)
Klima- und Naturschutz: Hand in Hand
Heft 10: Naturschutzrechtliche Grundlagen. (2019)
Technische Universität Berlin
Institute for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Department of Landscape Planning and Development
Straße des 17. Juni 145, 10623 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Stefan Heiland
Tel.: +49 30/314-79094
Dr. Adél Gyimóthy
Tel.: +49 30 314-79456
Dr. Bernd Demuth
Tel.: +49 30 314-21388
Naturstiftung David
Nature Conservation Project “Hohe Schrecke“
Trommsdorffstr. 5, 99084 Erfurt
Adrian Johst
Tel.: +49 361 5550330
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
FG II 4.1 Landscape planning, spatial and settlement planning
Alte Messe 6, 04103 Leipzig
Jens Schiller
Tel.: +49 341 30977 125