The project aims to optimise the planning and approval process for wind turbines and to minimise the risk to bird species sensitive to wind turbines. A field studies-based evaluation will be made of the effectiveness of various mitigation measures for birds of prey of relevance to planning, particularly the red kite.
There is an increased conflict potential between the interests of species conservation and the expansion of wind energy over large parts of the red kite's range. When planning and approving wind energy projects, the occurrence of a significantly increased mortality risk, particularly for collision-prone large species of birds at risk from wind power, must be prevented (Section 44(1) BNatSchG). A range of proposed measures has been included in the approval process to date.
The main aim of the research project is to minimise uncertainties about the effectiveness of the measures and to close the species protection and legally relevant gaps in knowledge when operationalising preventative measures as part of the approval process for wind turbines. The overall aim of the research project is to optimise the planning and approval procedures and to minimise the risk and the adverse effects on the affected species (birds of prey sensitive to wind turbines, particularly the red kite), by using field studies to
The key component of the project is in-house field research on the spatial usage behaviour and on relevant environmental variables (e.g. land use and land management) that are carried out in the various research areas with differing ecological conditions. The planned surveys are carried out as repeated random samples in two study years using the two mutually supporting approaches of satellite telemetry (individual focus) and land use observation (area focus).
FÖA Landschaftsplanung GmbH
Auf der Redoute 12, 54296 Trier
Dr. Jochen Lüttmann
Tel.: +49 651 91048-0
ÖKOTOP GbR – Büro für angewandte Landschaftsökologie
Willy-Brandt-Str. 44, 06110 Halle (Saale)
Ubbo Mammen
Tel.: +49 345 686 9884
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
FG II 4.3 Nature conservation and renewable energies
Alte Messe 6, 04103 Leipzig
Nora Köcher
Tel.: +49 341 30977 166