Based on a study of specific areas in several sample regions, the technical and economic options for an environmentally compatible utilisation of biogas from a nature conservation angle were assessed in relation to practice. The study focuses in particular on the possible application of herbaceous materials from grassland utilisation and landscape management. The aim of the project is to provide recommendations for a nature conservation compatible replacement of substrates in existing biogas plants.
The BiogasNatur project aims to demonstrate options of how observed intensification of land usage from growing energy plants on arable land can be reduced by using residues, gramineous green waste and cuttings from landscape management. The premise is that nature conservation requirements for grassland use defined in the project will be complied with.
The aim is to find an answer to the question of whether, and if yes via what regulatory approaches the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) or other refinancing options could in future make a contribution to a nature conservation optimisation of grassland and other valuable nature conservation areas, and what associated consequences arise for system operator and nature conservation interests on the areas in question.
The answer to the above-mentioned question is provided based on the example of several EEG biogas plants which are representative of the stock of biogas plants in Germany. Plants were selected based on a national evaluation of the pressure on land caused by cattle farming and by the existing biogas plants. The systematic selection of the plants is aimed at ensuring the transferability of the project results.
Based on the selected plants, practical operating concepts were developed for the use of gramineous green waste and material from landscape management in particular. This is achieved in a multi-stage iterative process in which the potential plant concepts are evaluated both from a business point of view and from a nature conservation one. In addition to stakeholders from the sample regions, a range of experts were involved, including those from the fields of nature conservation, landscape management, bioenergy, policy and administration.
Naturschutzbezogene Optimierung der Rohstoffbereitstellung für Biomasseanlagen
BfN-Skripten 555 (2020)
Altenkesseler Str. 17 A
66115 Saarbrücken
Bernhard Wern
Tel.: +49 681 844 972-0
Bosch & Partner GmbH
Kantstr. 63a
10627 Berlin
Dr. Wolfgang Peters
Tel.: +49 30 309 88 44-60
T+P Treurat und Partner
Unternehmensgesellschaft mbH
Niemannsweg 109
24105 Kiel
Gerrit Müller-Rüster
Tel.: +49 431 5936-360
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Alte Messe 6, 04103 Leipzig
FG II 4.3 Nature conservation and renewable energies
Jens Ponitka
Tel.: +49 341 30977 169