
NatForWINSENT I – Nature conservation at the wind test site

Project title: Developing a concept for nature conservation supporting research as part of the Swabian Jura WindForS wind energy test site


  • Research concept: design and test of preventative measures to protect birds and bats
  • Preparatory work to develop a system for optical bird recording
  • Studies on species occurrence at the test site


Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
Energy economy systems analysis
Meitnerstr. 1, 70563 Stuttgart
Dr. Frank Musiol
Tel.: +49 711 7870-217



FKZ 3517 86 1600
Department research plan 2017
Term: December 01.07.2017 – 31.10.2018

The wind energy test site of the wind energy research cluster South (WindForS) planned for the Swabian Jura is intended to serve supporting research for nature conservation. The main aim is to develop and test mitigation measures that can reduce the conflicts between wind energy utilisation and the conservation of birds and bats. The project will develop relevant research concepts for birds and bats and create the groundwork for developing an automated bird recognition system.

The project focuses in particular on bird species for which wind energy utilisation presents a potential threat to the population. The occurrence of these bird species, in particular the red kite, in the areas around the planned test site has already been confirmed.

In the first and most important part of the project, a research concept will be developed with which to design and test suitable mitigation measures at a given site for protecting birds and bats from the operation of wind turbines in complex terrain at inland areas. With this aim in mind, the concept must fully allow for the unique opportunities that the WindForS test site offers. For example, there is still a lead time until the site is constructed, so wind measuring masts could be used and later the effectiveness of the measures can be verified by using the research wind energy site along with the second site as a reference for comparison.

The second part of the project includes plans for the groundwork for developing an automated bird recording system. This rests primarily on optical recording of birds using camera systems and their integration with a machine learning algorithm. The project will compile a more detailed and expanded development plan for this recognition system and its potential combination with other data sources (e.g. radar).

The species occurring in the planning area and its immediate surroundings have already been surveyed during the preliminary studies for the statutory species protection expert report as part of the emission control approval procedure. In the third part of the project these studies will be expanded in places and extended over a larger range.

Project partners

Project partners

Project management

Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
Energy economy systems analysis
Meitnerstr. 1, 70563 Stuttgart
Dr. Frank Musiol
Tel.: +49 711 7870-217

Project partners

Swiss Ornithological Institute
Seerose 1
CH-6204 Sempach
Dr. Herbert Stark

Freiburger Institut für Angewandte Tierökologie GmbH (FrInaT)
Dunantstr. 9
79110 Freiburg
Dr. Robert Brinkmann

Fachbüro für ökologische Planungen
Schubartstr. 12
73092 Heiningen
Wolfgang Lissak

Stauss & Turni Gutachterbüro
Vor dem Kreuzberg 28
72070 Tübingen
Dr. Hendrik Turni

Funding authority

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Alte Messe 6, 04103 Leipzig
Jens Ponitka

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