

Project title: Radar-based prevention measures of bird strike during migration events at wind turbines


  • Year-round nationwide bird migration recording
  • Identifying and predicting collision risks
  • Avoiding bird strikes


Institute of Avian Research “Heligoland Bird Observatory”
An der Vogelwarte 21, D-26386 Wilhelmshaven
Dr. Ommo Hüppop
Tel.: +49 4421 9689-46




FKZ 3519 86 0500
Departmental Research Plan2019
Term: 01.11.2019 – 31.12.2021


The topic of this project is to record and predict bird migration over the Federal Republic of Germany. Based on (weather) data and forecast models, possible procedures are to be identified to switch off wind turbines in real time in relation to bird migration and to avoid endangering the animals.

The topic of this project is to record and predict bird migration over the Federal Republic of Germany. Based on (weather) data and forecast models, possible procedures are to be identified to switch off wind turbines in real time in relation to bird migration and to avoid endangering the animals.

With the expansion of wind energy use, the associated risks for birds and bats (especially through collisions) have also increased. The project aims to present and evaluate the current technical possibilities for the continuous recording of bird migration over the Federal Republic of Germany, to quantify bird migration spatially/temporally throughout Germany with the help of weather radar data, to define special risk situations (weather, local conditions) and to show possible ways to an early- or real-time warning system as well as for procedures for the bird migration-dependent shutdown of plants.


Using archived and current data from about 20 weather radar stations (mainly from the Deutscher Wetterdienst, the German Meteorological Service), existing algorithms will be used to illustrate the temporal and spatial dynamics of bird migration over Germany and to analyse connections with geomorphology and weather.

Further information


Work packages

Work packages

  1. State of knowledge, data availability
  2. Evaluation of existing weather radar data as a basis for a spatial/temporal representation of bird migration and for a "bird migration forecast".
  3. Findings on special endangerment situations for migrating birds
  4. Real-time recording of bird migration and real-time implementation of avoidance measures
  5. Identification of the prerequisites for the technical implementation of radar-based real-time shutdown in practice
  6. Networking within the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) research priority "Nature Conservation and Renewable Energies”

Project partners

Project partners

Project management

Institute of Avian Research “Heligoland Bird Observatory”
An der Vogelwarte 21, D-26386 Wilhelmshaven
Tel: +49 4421/9689-0
Dr. Ommo Hüppop

Funding authority

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
FG II 4.3 Nature conservation and renewable energies
Alte Messe 6, D-04013 Leipzig
Nora Köcher
Tel: +49 341 30977-166


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