
SuN-diverse – More biodiversity in solar farms

Project title: Solar energy and nature conservation: Implementing more biodiversity in solar farms - SuN-diverse


  • The definition process for "biodiversity-friendly solar farms"
  • Impact of open land solar farms on specially and strictly protected species
  • Support needs of stakeholders at the municipal level


Kompetenzzentrum Naturschutz und Energiewende gGmbH
Neue Gruenstr. 18, D-10179 Berlin


Dr Julia Wiehe
Tel: 0049 30 / 7673738-26


FKZ 3523 86 1000
Departmental research plan BfN
Term 01.10.2023 – 31.03.2025

The expansion of solar energy, also on open land, will increase strongly in Germany in the next few years. The aim of the project is to improve the consideration of nature conservation issues in the implementation of open land solar farms and to strengthen the transfer of knowledge into planning practice.

The project is intended to help ensure that nature conservation concerns are taken into account more strongly than before in the implementation of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems (open land solar farms) at the municipal level.

To this end, the definition process of 'biodiversity-friendly solar farms' at the federal level, which began with Solar Package I, will first be accompanied by digital workshops. In this way, technical questions are to be clarified and possible consequences of definitions assessed. The results are also to be used in the short term to support current discussions and upcoming regulations.

In addition, the current state of research on the impacts of open land solar farms, especially on specially and strictly protected species, will be reviewed and summarized for the expert public within the framework of the project. A survey will be commissioned to identify PV-sensitive species (species groups) in order to derive impacts and measures for species protection compensation within the area.

The use of existing instruments for increasing biodiversity in open land solar farms, as well as the new instruments likely to be introduced as part of the Solar Package, is to be promoted. To this end, the support needs of actors at the municipal level (municipalities and districts) will first be identified. This will be followed by the transfer of project results and technical principles to the municipal planning practice.


In order to achieve these goals, various event formats are used. These include workshops conducted online, workshop discussions in small groups and nationwide events for a large number of participants, as well as regional classroom events with excursions to best-practice locations.

The results of the expert discussions and the species protection report are brought together and prepared in an information brochure for the stakeholders involved in solar parks from municipalities/counties, associations and agriculture. The brochure provides information on the current legal regulations and the procedural steps of the planning process in which nature conservation concerns should be taken into account. It will be freely available after the end of the project period.

Expert report

As part of the project, an expert report on the possibilities and limits of species protection compensation in solar parks was published in August 2024:

Dr. Stephan Feldmeier et al. (08/2024) Fachgutachten "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des artenschutzrechtlichen Ausgleichs in Solarparks" (bgh plan Trier)


Work packages

Work packages

  1. Dialogue design and technical work on the design of the biodiversity-friendly solar farms

  2. Expert opinion on "Possibilities and limits of compensation under species protection law in solar farms"

  3. Development of methods for knowledge transfer of the results into municipal planning practice

    • Upstream knowledge transfer from municipal planning practice

    • Creation of an information brochure

    • Knowledge transfer within the framework of online events and regional presence workshops

Dates of the regional workshops - SuN-divers in practice

Dates of the regional workshops - SuN-divers in practice

From April to October 2024, five workshops will be held with excursions to example parks designed to be particularly nature-friendly. After a technical input and exchange on the challenges of planning and implementation, technology and nature conservation measures can be experienced in a nearby solar park: How high are the modules? How wide are the sunny strips and what biotopes can be found on the area? The free series of events is primarily aimed at municipal stakeholders.

Regional workshops with excursions

 If you are interested in the events, please contact veranstaltung(at)avoid-unrequested-mailsnaturschutz-energiewende.de

Project partners

Project partners


Kompetenzzentrum Naturschutz und Energiewende gGmbH
Neue Gruenstr. 18, D-10179 Berlin

Dr Julia Wiehe
Tel: 0049 30/7673738-26


Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Konstantinstr. 110, D-53179 Bonn

Leipzig Office

Dr Katja Bunzel
Tel: 0049 341/30977-170


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