
BatAccess – Bat friendly operation of offshore wind farms

Project title: Development of a basis to evaluate bat activity data regarding the impact of offshore wind turbines on bats under species protection law and development of a predictive model for focal migration events to allow for targeted curtailment of offshore wind turbines as a measure to protect bats.


  • Methodological standard for assessing the risk to bats at offshore wind turbines
  • Short-term prediction of bat migration events
  • Targeted shutdown of offshore wind turbines as avoidance measures


NABU Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union)
Wismarsche Str. 146, D-19053 Schwerin
Antje Seebens-Hoyer
Tel.: +49 385 5938980





FKZ 3523 15 1100
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funding from the National Species Recovery Programme (nAHP)
Term: 01.07.2023 – 31.12.2026

Accessing prerequisites for bat-friendly operation of offshore wind turbines

Offshore wind turbines pose a significant threat to bats migrating over the North and Baltic Seas. Bat protection and offshore wind energy development are compatible if bats are taken into account in the planning process and are protected from collisions with the rotors through bat-friendly operation. A standardised recording and evaluation procedure is to be developed for this purpose, and the application maturity of targeted curtailments as avoidance measures with minimal yield reduction is to be achieved.


The project aims are

  1. Development of a scientific basis for the evaluation of acoustic activity data to assess the impact of offshore wind turbines on bats under species protection law.
  2. Investigating how focal migration events of bats at sea can be predicted at short notice to avoid collisions. Temporarily shutting down specific wind turbines is a technical measure to avoid bat collisions while also minimizing expected yield losses.
  3. Creating a framework for a standardised risk assessment of bats at specific offshore wind turbines and thus be able to take the necessary protective measures through targeted operational control (shutdowns) with minimised yield losses.

Work packages

Work packages

  1. Study assessment methods and mitigation measures applied in other EU countries.
  2. Develop a research concept and conduct a field study as a basis for the assessment of bat activity and prediction of focal migration events.
  3. Develop an assessment method for bat activity based on existing data and the field study.
  4. Develop a predictive model for focal migration events based on existing data and the field study as a basis for optimised shutdown times.
  5. Prepare a final report and scientific publication.

Project partners

Project partners

Project management

NABU Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union)
Wismarsche Str. 146, D-19053 Schwerin
Antje Seebens-Hoyer
Tel.: +49 385 5938980

Funding authority

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
II 3.3 Human impacts & ecological issues in marine projects
Anne Bartels


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