
Floating PV II - Investigation nature conservation effects still waters

Project title: Impacts of floating PV systems on species, habitats and landscape (and approaches to avoidance); Part 2: Investigation of nature conservation impacts of floating PV systems on still waters


  • Floating photovoltaic systems (FPV systems) on artificial/significantly modified bodies of water
  • Effects on species, habitats and water quality
  • Requirements for the siting and design of FPV systems


PSE Projects GmbH
Steinhalde 73
D-79117 Freiburg
Werner Warmuth (M.A.)
Tel. +49761-1208696


FKZ 3522 15 1502
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funding from the National Species Recovery Programme (nAHP)
Term: 26.08.2024–30.08.2028

The research projects focuses on the ecological effects of floating photovoltaic systems (FPV systems) on artificial or heavily modified bodies of water. The aim is to assess the effects on species, habitats and water quality and to develop ecological requirements for the siting and design of these systems. In the first part of the project, an investigation concept has already been drawn up that takes into account relevant species groups, abiotic parameters and potential impairments caused by technical components. This concept will now be applied in practice and further developed in the second part of the project.

Research question / project objectives

According to Section 36 (3) WHG, FPV systems in Germany may only be erected on artificial and heavily modified bodies of water, such as quarry ponds or harbours. A maximum of 15 per cent of the water area may be occupied and the distance to the shore must be at least 40 metres. These restrictions exist due to the ecological effects of FPV systems, which have been little researched to date. In the second part of the project, the effects of these facilities on water quality, nature and the landscape will be analysed and evaluated and ecological requirements for the siting and design of FPVs will be developed.


Firstly, the state of knowledge on the effects of FPV plants on nature and landscape will be updated by means of a literature review. Following the identification and selection of suitable study sites, the study programme is developed, implemented and subsequently evaluated. Recommendations for the environmentally compatible expansion of FPV systems are then developed and further investigation requirements are identified. Finally, a workshop will be held to present and discuss the results.

Work packages

Work packages

  1. Updating the literature research and analysis
  2. Preparation of the field studies
  3. Implementation of the investigation programme and evaluation of the data and results
  4. Development of recommendations for the environmentally friendly expansion of floating solar energy and for further investigations
  5. Preparation, realisation and follow-up of a workshop presenting the results

Project partner

Project partner

Project Management

PSE Projects GmbH
Steinhalde 73
D-79117 Freiburg
Werner Warmuth (M.A.)
Tel. +49 761-1208696

Project partner

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2, D-79110 Freiburg
Dr Karolina Baltins
Tel. +49 761 4588-5575
Konstantin Ilgen
Tel. +49761/4588 5707

lanaplan GbR
Lobbericher Str. 5, D-41334 Nettetal
Dr Klaus van de Weyer
Tel. +49 2153-971922

Dr. Sebastian Meis (BSc, MSc)
Tel. +49 2153-971920

Limnologie-Büro Hoehn (LBH)
Gluemerstr. 2a, D-79102 Freiburg
Dipl. Biol. Eberhard Hoehn
Tel. +49 761-706485

Dipl. Biol. Annette Tworeck
Tel. 0761-706485

biota-Institut für ökologische Forschung und Planung GmbH
Nebelring 15, D-18246 Bützow
Dr. rer. nat. Dr. agr. Dietmar Mehl
Tel. 038461/9167-33
Conny Mehl (M. Sc.)
Tel. 038461 9167-32

limknow GmbH & Co. KG
Dessauerstraße 3, D-76139 Karlsruhe
Dr.-Ing. Stephan Hilgert
Tel. 0179 7754825


Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
FG II 4.3 Nature conservation and renewable energies
Leipzig Office, Alte Messe 6, D-04103 Leipzig

Dr Katja Bunzel
Scientific Employee
Tel: +49 341 30977-170

Further Informations

Website of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

Frequently asked: Effects of floating PV systems on nature and the landscape

Results of the preparatory project (2023)

Floating PV I

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