
ProBat 8.0

Project title: ProBat 8.0 - Further development and support of the ProBat software for the bat-adapted operation of wind turbines in Germany


  • Calculation of specific cut-off algorithms for wind turbines
  • Further development of the ProBat and ProBat Inspector software
  • Utilisation of data collected nationwide during nacelle surveys
  • Clarification of legal issues


Naturstiftung David
Trommsdorffstr. 5, 99084 Erfurt
Adrian Johst
Tel.: +49 361 5550330


FKZ 3522 15 0700
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funding from the National Species Recovery Programme (nAHP)
Term:  April 2024 – March 2027

The ProBat software for more bat-friendly operation of wind turbines is to be further developed. The transfer to an online database enables user group-specific data access. New features will be integrated and the computing time optimised. A comprehensive further training programme is to be established and ongoing advice for users is to be continued. ProBat is to be anchored even more firmly than before as a nationwide standard for the protection of bats at wind turbines.

The ProBat software enables the operation of wind turbines to be customised for bats. Based on the results of scientific research, it calculates site-specific shutdown algorithms depending on various environmental parameters and bat activity. ProBat has been used throughout Germany for around 10 years to calculate cu-off times for the protection of bats. The software has been continuously updated in recent years. The ‘ProBat Inspector’ tool, which was developed between 2018 and 2021, enables authorities to check compliance with the cut-off algorithms.

ProBat and ProBat Inspector can be downloaded and used free of charge. The amendment of the Federal Nature Conservation Act and the Spatial Planning Act and the resulting changes to the framework conditions have resulted in an increased need for action for the use and further development of ProBat and ProBat Inspector:

  • Further development of the ProBat and ProBat Inspector software both in terms of technical applicability and against the background of new legal framework conditions and new scientific findings in bat conservation.
  • Development and implementation of an approach for utilising the data collected nationwide during nacelle surveys.
  • Increasing acceptance of the use of ProBat through regular exchange formats and scientific publications.
  • Establishment of a comprehensive information and counselling service for ProBat users (planning offices, approval authorities).
  • Public relations work
  • Clarification of legal questions regarding the use of ProBat and the consideration of bat protection in the operation of wind turbines.


The project is being implemented and coordinated by Naturstiftung David. A contract was awarded to OekoFor GbR for the further development of the ProBat software from version 7.0 to version 8.0. Further experts are to be involved for legal reports and the maintenance/further development of the website www.probat.org. The aim is to anchor ProBat even more firmly than before as a nationwide standard for the protection of bats at wind turbines and to continue to utilise the opportunities provided by the amended Federal Nature Conservation Act and Regional Planning Act for the bat-adapted operation of wind turbines.

Work packages

Work packages

  1. Further development of the ProBat software and establishment of an approach for using the bat and environmental data collected during nacelle surveys (storage of the processed data in an online database, runtime optimisation, integration of new features, development of an approach for integrating the reasonableness threshold)
  2. Ongoing support and counselling for users of the existing and new ProBat software
  3. Networking, clarification of legal issues and public relations work (articles in the specialised press, website and social media, presentations at conferences)

Project partners

Project partners

Project management

Naturstiftung David
Trommsdorffstraße 5, 99084 Erfurt
Adrian Johst
T: 0361 710129-0

Project partners

OekoFor GbR
Karthäuserstr. 39a, 79102 Freiburg
Oliver Behr
T: 0761 7665 6016

Funding authority

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
FG II 4.3 Nature conservation and renewable energies
Alte Messe 6, 04103 Leipzig,
Nora Köcher
T: 0341 30977166

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